Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tom Brokaw's Inspiring Commencement Address

Finding a good TV journalist like Tom Brokaw today is getting harder and harder.   Why did he retire anyway.  Well, I assume like most of us, he wanted to enjoy life a little while he could.

(Although Tom Brokaw continues to do occasional special reports for NBC and has authored the book "The Greatest Generation.")

I always enjoyed Tom Brokaw (and still do.)   His journalism focuses on the subject not the distractions.  He is clear, concise and gives us an excellence in journalism and news reporting we thirst for today.  I just wish he were around more often.

Today I read a commencement address he gave recently at St. Lawrence University and I found it inspiring for the current generations.   He also flattered our generations and ones before us so much I realized how accomplished we were. 

And now, we enjoy life a little.

But though the future is in the hands of our young, we can still learn a thing or two.  Because as Tom  Brokaw said having less is more, a cliche at most, but, more importantly, he reminded us that finding ways to be productive produces its own rich rewards.

If you have a minute you might enjoy this address, then pass it onto your kids. Tom Brokaw Commencement Address 5/23/11