Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Suzanne Somers Tells us to Plan for Aging in her New Book

In her new book, "Bombshell," Suzanne Somers, who has turned 65, makes some good points:
One needs to plan for aging
In essence, one needs to take lifestyle seriously. Here is the video that inspired this post:

People plan for retirement, vacations, education, where to live, what to do during the day, but does one plan for future health.

Ok, some people are doing the right things for health, but there may be a nagging thought that one could do better.

How about losing weight? It is possible. I know because I did it. When I crossed over the recommended 25 BMI into the overweight category some years ago, I said, "ok, stop, that is enough." I was thin all my life and I decided I wanted to be thin again. Me-fat? Impossible. But there it was. I could not deny it.

So one changes. I became vegetarian. I began to follow the DASH diet. And I increased my exercise. I lost 30 lbs.

It does take some discipline. Keep in mind that foods one eats now may no longer be foods to eat going forward. One learns to find healthier choices.

Suzanne's book sounds intriguing and it might be a good place to start. Another way is to sign up for the DASH Diet program from their website for a way to a healthier lifestyle. And when looking for retirement communities, here are some things one might want to look for:

Somewhere to walk
Fitness Center
Recreational amenities such as golf, pool or tennis
Social programs
Wellness Programs
Well planned kitchens
Kitchen Islands
Restaurants with healthy food choices
Farmers markets and organic grocery stores in the area

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Spring Notes on Retirement

I recently posted on my website that the big news for spring is that new home prices are moving up in some markets.  What does this mean for you.  We hate hype and writing about this news is not intended to make you feel rushed to buy.  It is for your information.  What is happening is that I just had to change a lot of prices on my Florida page.  The prices had moved up slightly but still there was movement of 2 to 4 thousand $$.

Florida is still the #1 place to retire for most people.  This is because of a combination of features:  climate, prices and beauty.  Just look at this photo by Del Webb of one of their communities on the East Coast of Florida: Ponte Vedra:

If there was ever a photo of Florida that made you want to move there, this must be it!

Other recent news:

Another builder, Shea Homes is having an interesting session: On April 20th, they will talk about their solar homes.  They have been getting energy bills close to 0 in their new homes - that is the goal and that is why they call it SheaXero.  To find out more, contact Shea.

A recent get together at the Country Meadows retirement homes designated April Random Acts of Kindness month in honor of their founder.  The Pennsylvania governor liked the idea so much he also designated April 7 as Random Acts of Kindness Day in memory of Mrs. Leader.

These are just a few of the over 55 builders that bring comfort and happiness to the senior years.

Friday, April 5, 2013

It's Spring! Time to walk!

If people have been putting off walking because it is too cold outside, there are no more excuses now because the weather is getting warmer. Sometimes I procrastinate posting, but I found this article by Dole about walking to be inspiring.   

As we age, we need to keep the brain healthy.  A study now shows that walking helps.  See this motivating article "Keep Your Wits by Walking," by Dole, the fruit and veggie people. 

You might want to read their blog "Nutrition News."   Dole is a class act.  I can still remember many years ago often driving by the gigantic fruit cocktail sign in Sunnyvale, California.   For me anyway, Dole has always been a superb leader in fruits and veggies.  Now they have this fabulous nutrition blog.

Nutrition is on people's minds today like never before.  Now walking is also since there is some evidence it is good for the brain as well as the body.  If one has couch potato tendencies, walking is easy, and the best exercise there is.  Walking may be especially good as we age.  Be sure to check with a doctor if this is a good exercise and wear good quality walking shoes.

When was the last time you took a long walk.  Remembering the sights, fragrances of flowers and sounds of birds, it reminds of how good it feels to be outdoors.  If in the city, the same applies.  The sounds of people laughing, talking, and cars going by in a rush is invigorating.  City sounds and sights are plentiful.

An important part of selecting the right retirement community is noticing where the walking paths are.  Is there a place for walks in the community or nearby in the country or city.  Walking as an amenity is easily overlooked, and yet it is extremely beneficial.  Be sure there is a place to get out and walk.  If not in the community, make sure it is near.   If people are living longer, it might be wise to keep the mind in good condition.    Do not forget the blueberries, also good for an aging brain.