Thursday, November 29, 2012

Smaller Homes: A New Trend in Active Adult Communities

A fairly new trend in our active adult communities is toward building smaller homes.  I had many people complaining to me a few years ago that there were no small homes -- indeed building large homes was the trend -- then.

How quickly things can change in real estate -- today builders are building more smaller homes.

If you have a favorite builder or community, and haven't checked it recently, it is possible they have added on to their model lineup a new smaller one.  This satisfies buyers desires for smaller homes today and also is a lower price offering for today's real estate climate.  This isn't always the case, but it is happening often enough that we thought we should point it out. 

New communities particularly have at least one smaller square footage plan.

Starting prices shown in our communities may be lower due to price reductions but also due to the community having added on a lower priced smaller square footage plan to their lineup.

We have been keeping up with all the rapidly-occurring changes in our communities during the last two years, however, we'd like to remind you that checking the builder's website will give you   up-to-the-minute information and prices.

If you are looking to downsize your living space, you may want to browse senior apartments on the Best-Guide Retirement Communities website!