Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Suze Orman's Financial Tips for planning for Retirement

Suze Orman has some excellent financial tips for retirement.

Americans seem to be tightening up the ship and preparing for the worse--a worse we hope doesn't come.  But it's good to be prepared--your retirement future may depend on it.

Our biggest expenses stem from a mortgage, energy bills, car costs and food.   Seniors are tightening up.   Downsizing in a word.

Small homes, energy efficient homes, living beneath our means to save more--that's what you're hearing.  

I'm not a follower of Suze Orman, but she did give a great talk on public tv the other night.  Her main points hit at future retirement for seniors: living beneath our means and saving.  She said to know where you are today and where you want to be. Own your home, own your car and no credit card debt.

How does that figure with our retirement communities.  They offer more small home options, more energy saving features, more commute communities.   The larger the home, the more important the energy savings features are.  Our communities are responding to our needs.  And going forward, the newer communities have the advantage now.

America is changing and active adult developers are listening. 

Retirement communities have always offered good value and I believe now and in the future they will offer even more value in helping you save for retirement and your senior years by helping you save money with lower energy bills, closer commutes, and smaller but more efficient homes.

Looking for a cost-effective way to retire? Try a mobile home! Check out some fabulous mobile home parks for retirement.